Kacper Kulig - GYM generation instructor

Kacper Kulig

I am a teacher by education. I graduated in physical education with a specialization in instructor-trainer and teacher. I teach sports with children and adults for over 12 years.

I started my work with children on the slopes as a snowboard and ski instructor, in ski schools and various camps. In addition, I am an animator, a camp educator, a bicycle tourism instructor, a swimming instructor, and a MotorSkillLearning trainer of the Swiss children’s motor training program. I conduct sports activities in kindergartens, during family trips and sport camps in Poland and abroad.

I really like to develop and further my education. I try to conduct classes with children in an atmosphere of fun, humour and joy on the basis of partnership and faith in children’s abilities.

At GYM Generation I want to teach your child to build bonds with their peers, as well as patience and responsibility. I want them to develop not only physically, but also mentally, and thus gain self-confidence.

Kacper Kulig - GYM generation instructor
Paweł Madej - GYM generation instructor

PAWKA / Paweł Madej

I am a graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw (AWF) at the Faculty of Rehabilitation, majoring in physiotherapy.

At first, I gathered experience in working with children during my university internships in Warsaw hospitals, clinics and outpatient clinics, including the Children’s Health Center and the Children’s Hospital in Dziekanowo Leśne. Currently, in addition to working at GYM Generation, I conduct additional classes in corrective gymnastics, acrobatics in Warsaw kindergartens, as well as motor training and physiotherapy in posture defects.

Sport has been my passion since I was a child, I coached soccer for about 12 years, besides I also love volleyball. I am an amateur runner and try to exercise systematically to stay healthy and fit.

Currently, as an instructor at GYM Generation, I train the youngest and try to pass on my knowledge of quality technique and safety of the exercises performed. I teach them teamwork, the ability to cooperate and striving for the goal. As a coach and instructor, I claim that you should never give up. I will try my best to motivate children to actively participate in classes, improve their skills, but also raise the bar for them, and all this through great fun.

Paweł Madej - GYM generation instructor
Piotr Wadecki - instruktor GYM generation

PIOTREK / Piotr Wadecki

Jestem magistrem Wychowania Fizycznego po studiach na AWF w Warszawie. Pracę z dziećmi i młodzieżą rozpocząłem już w okresie nauki w liceum, sędziując  zawody koszykarskie na terenie Polski i za granicą. Sport jest w moim życiu od najmłodszych lat, moją pasją z dzieciństwa jest koszykówka, którą trenowałem 10 lat, a teraz mam uprawnienia instruktorskie w tej właśnie dyscyplinie. Ponadto jestem instruktorem gimnastyki akrobatycznej, żeglarstwa deskowego oraz menadżerem sportu.

Doświadczenie w pracy z dziećmi zdobywałem na obozach sportowych gdzie prowadziłem zajęcia ruchowe, zaczynając od sportów indywidualnych takich jak tenis, przez wszelakie sporty drużynowe, na sportach wodnych kończąc.

Jako instruktor i pedagog chciałbym przede wszystkim nauczyć dzieci świadomości swojego ciała i swoich czynów, aby wyrosły nie tylko na osoby sprawne fizycznie, ale również zdolne do podejmowania właściwych decyzji w późniejszym życiu. Jestem zdania, że im szybciej zacznie się wprowadzać dzieci na dobre tory, tym skuteczniejsze będzie nasze działanie, aby ukształtować zdrowego, świadomego człowieka.


Piotr Wadecki - instruktor GYM generation
Aleksander Kaliński - GYM generation instructor

OLEK / Aleksander Kaliński

I am a graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, and on a daily basis I work with children conducting general gymnastics classes and as a physical education teacher at a special school for children with Autism. Thanks to my work at the special school, I gain experience in teaching methods for students with disabilities. In the winter season, I am a skiing and snowboarding instructor, and in the summer, I teach water sports. My greatest passion is dancing and I am happy to share it with my students.

While teaching at GYM Generation, my main goal is to develop children’s flexibility and stretching, agility, and coordination elements, which include auditory, visual, spatial orientation, rhythm, balance and motor sensation.

Aleksander Kaliński - GYM generation instructor
Agnieszka Żelisko - instruktor GYM generation

AGA / Agnieszka Żelisko

Sport is part of my life. I am a sports and downhill ski instructor and a recreational animator. I have a Padi OWD diving license.  Gymnastics, tennis, squash, running, skiing and diving are the areas to which I devote most of my time.

I gained experience in working with children during my apprenticeship and at sports camps in Poland, Austria and Italy. My passions are traveling and photography. Having visited more than 30 countries around the world, I have noticed how important movement and proper eating habits are for the proper development of a child.

Working at GYM Generation I want to share with your children my passion to sports. I also want to teach them courage, self-confidence and self-esteem. I believe that our classes will not only give your children satisfaction and self-confidence, but also will bring tangible physical benefits.

Agnieszka Żelisko - instruktor GYM generation
Jakub Skolimowski - instruktor GYM generation

KUBA / Jakub Skolimowski

I am a graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw with a specialisation of sports manager and personal trainer. I have always been connected with sport. I took my first steps in professional sport in sailing, among others by competing in Polish Championships. Later I switched to rowing, where I won numerous medals at the Polish Championships.

In my free time I like surfing, squash, walruses and active leisure.
I convey my passion for sport on a daily basis at gyms for children and for adults. In GYM Generation I would like to show children that exercising can be a great fun.

Jakub Skolimowski - instruktor GYM generation
Anna Bilukha - instruktor GYM generation

Anna Bilukha

I graduated from the Academy of Physical Culture and Sports as a physical education instructor and gymnastics coach and took courses in physical rehabilitation with children of different ages. Master of Sports of Ukraine in artistic gymnastics. Winner of junior competitions in artistic gymnastics. Trainer – fitness teacher. Cup winner of Rustam Sharipov, World and European Olympic champion. Champion in the vault in the competition for the Cup of Ukraine. Winner of the Spartakiad among university students.

I have extensive experience of working with children for about 15 years, 10 of them in a preschool and in dance groups as an acrobatics and gymnastics coach.

I want to teach your children to be strong, psychologically stable for the upcoming life, purposeful, to teach them to be well-organized individuals, disciplined, graceful, happy, to be ready for a harmonious wonderful life.

Anna Bilukha - instruktor GYM generation
Mikołaj Wójcik - instruktor GYM generation

Mikołaj Wójcik

I am a student at the Higher School of Physical Culture and Tourism in Pruszków, majoring in physical education.
I gained experience in working with children and young people during my school practice.
From an early age sport was an integral part of me. Starting with Judo I always stood on the podium in inter-county competitions. For a few years, I also coached volleyball in the now-defunct LKS Orzeł Nadarzyn club. Football also appeared in my life for a few years where I could play matches at the level of A-class and district league. When I graduated from high school I started to be interested in the gym and martial arts, and that is why I have a course for bodybuilding instructors and have been training kick-boxing for 3 years.
I completed a course in sports management, chaperoning and tour leader during my studies.
Today, I gain further experience in working with children by working at GYM Generation, wanting to pass on to my pupils that practising sport not only improves one’s condition and the appearance of the body, but also teaches us patience, humility and discipline, which later comes in handy in everyday life, and that the key to success is fun and regularity in what we do.

Mikołaj Wójcik - instruktor GYM generation
Anna Kadłubowska - instruktor GYM generation

Anna Kadłubowska

I graduated from the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, majoring in Physical Education, Tourism and Recreation. I am a swimming coach, athletics instructor, windsurfing instructor and a personal trainer.
Throughout my education and working in the profession, I have been gaining knowledge on how to improve the physical fitness of children, young people and adults, as well as to act against posture defects or other movement dysfunctions.
Working with children of different ages in GYM Generation gives me a lot of joy, as well as the opportunity to develop professionally. Here I can teach children correct movement patterns and more complicated exercises on gym equipment in a fun way.

Anna Kadłubowska - instruktor GYM generation
Ania Kędzierska - instruktor GYM generation

Ania Kędzierska

I am a graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, specialising in physical education, and I also graduated as an engineer in the field of Human Nutrition and Food Assessment at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. During my studies at the Academy of Physical Education I gained instructor qualifications in snowboarding and windsurfing. In addition, I completed a course for camp educators. My passion is sport: running, snowboarding, windsurfing, swimming, tennis, fitness, cycling. I believe that any form of spending time actively is the best choice, because man is created to move.
I gained experience in working with children during my apprenticeship, working in kindergartens, working as a free time animator, during sports and summer camps.
During my classes at GYM Generation, I would like to show children how important it is in life to be fit, while having fun all the time. It is important to me that the child performs the exercises correctly, is coordinated, has correct posture and leaves the gym with a smile. Sport from an early age can shape a young person into a confident person who knows values and healthy habits.

Ania Kędzierska - instruktor GYM generation
Marysia Jaźwińska - instruktor GYM generation

MARYSIA / Maria Jaźwińska

I am a graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw on the faculties of Physical Education, Tourism and Recreation. During my studies at both faculties I gained wide knowledge in the field of pedagogy and physical recreation. I gained instructor qualifications in corrective gymnastics, fitness and alpine skiing. I gained experience in working with children and young people during apprenticeships, sports camps and as a dance instructor. Additionally, I have been training artistic gymnastics at the Warsaw AWF for many years.
Since my pre-school days I have been involved in dance, I had important achievements such as Champion of Polish, European and World Championships with my team Caro Dance.

On a daily basis, I work with children in GYM Generation, in kindergartens and teach corrective gymnastics. I know how important it is for the development of each child to build and consolidate appropriate movement patterns, so together with your children during the GYM Generation classes I would like to shape their all-round physical fitness and teach them courage, self-confidence and teamwork.

Marysia Jaźwińska - instruktor GYM generation
Tadzik Mikołajczak - instruktor GYM generation

Krystina Sheida

I graduated with a master’s degree in sports from the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw. During my studies I obtained instructor’s licenses in motor preparation, fitness – modern forms of gymnastics, sports gymnastics. I also have a PZG coaching license and a category IV referee license in artistic gymnastics.

I began my adventure with gymnastics in 2006. Since then I have had the pleasure of competing at both national and international levels. I consider my main sports achievements are: a member of the National Team of the Republic of Belarus in artistic gymnastics, silver and bronze medals at the European Championships, bronze medal in qualification for participation in the Youth Olympic Games in GA, holding the title of Master of Sport of International Class in GA. Since 2017, I have been working with children as an artistic gymnastics coach, with whom we won medals at club, national and international tournaments.

At GYM Generation I want to teach children not to be afraid of mistakes, to move forward, to achieve their goals, and to believe in their own strength, which will undoubtedly raise their self-esteem. I’m sure every child will like gymnastics because the classes are interesting and exciting.

Krystsina Sheida - instruktor GYM generation
Irena Mazur - instruktor GYM generation

Irena Mazur

I am currently a student at the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw and its graduate with a bachelor’s degree in physical education. On a daily basis, I work as a coach of general gymnastics and a teacher of physical education within the framework of the Warsaw project “Class in form, form with class”.

I gained experience in working with children and teenagers in kindergarten, elementary school and high school. In addition, I am a summer camp educator and animator. At the Academy, I earned my instructor’s license in volleyball. I have also loved winter sports since childhood – mainly downhill skiing, as well as cross-country skiing, which I have been practicing for thirteen years. I trained traditional karate for four years and danced for six years in the Wanda Kaniora Folk Song and Dance Ensemble in Lublin.

I like to educate and develop myself and at the same time take on new challenges. I take part in various trainings, especially focusing on pre-school children to be able to learn the cause of their behaviour and better understand them.

At GYM Generation, my goal is to transmit good energy and self-confidence to children so that they willingly undertake physical activity, but most importantly try to break their limits. What matters to me is a warm relationship both between trainer and kid. I focus on creating an atmosphere of support, safety and acceptance. I would like the young generation to develop not only physically, but also psychosocially.

Irena Mazur - instruktor GYM generation
Daria Kravets - instruktor GYM generation

DASHA / Daria Kravets

I am a graduate as a teacher of physical education and head of sports sections. I am a Sport Champion of Ukraine in acrobatics, winner of regional and international tournaments. For 20 years, I have been working as a sports coach with children and adults, fitness trainer in Fly Kids and Acro Kids programs. In my free time, I actively spend time with my sons, we ride bikes or do hiking.


At GYM Generation, I would like your child to spend time actively and have fun, learn to understand his body’s capabilities, believe in himself, and not be afraid to make mistakes. Through play and fun, our gymnastics forms kids’ characters and proper development. Smiles on the faces of children after classes – this is the best reward for my work!

Daria Kravets - instruktor GYM generation
Klaudia Komuda - instruktor GYM generation

Klaudia Komuda

I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and Sport – specialization in coaching (specialization in Motor Preparation), Tourism and Recreation from the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw. I have been involved with sports for a long time, having trained athletics in the meantime – specializing in running, and then volleyball. From both disciplines, I am certified as an Instructor. In addition, I’m a windsurfing instructor, skiing instructor, as well as a tennis instructor.

Thanks to my studies at the Academy of Physical Education, I have gained knowledge of pedagogy and how to work with children who have motor dysfunctions or postural defects. I gained experience in working with children and adolescents by working at many sports events, Green Schools and camps, where I acted as an instructor, tutor and currently working at an Elementary School.

In GYM Generation, first of all, I would like to teach children that physical fitness is an important aspect of our life and health. Through it, children gain more self-confidence, socialize with others, and have a lot of fun and enjoyment for life.

Klaudia Komuda - instruktor GYM generation
Klaudia Komuda - instruktor GYM generation

KAHA / Katarzyna Żuk

I, too, like our little athletes, have been involved in sports since childhood. I started by training swimming at the Legia, Warsaw. Then my athletic steps took me to Gwardia, where I trained judo, and in parallel at Horse Racing, where I learned jockeying on racehorses. At the same time, I attended an athletic elementary school, where I trained in athletics and handball. I connected with the latter for a long time. I went to high school with a sports profile at Skra in Warsaw and then to the Academy of Physical Education.

At that time, I was quickly promoted to the senior team and played for many years in the first handball league and in the Polish national team. When I finished my professional sports career, I started long-distance running training and a few years later I combined my love for swimming and cycling with running and started to pursue triathlon.

Sport is my life. It taught me many useful skills in life: I don’t give up easily, I am patient, I am not frightened by failures on the way to my goals, I know how to lose and treat defeat as information on what I can change or improve. I am systematic, work as a team and always play fair. Sport has shaped my character and has become my passion. I share all this with my children at the training sessions at GYM Generation and what I can promise you is that I will give the maximum of myself for your child.

Klaudia Komuda - instruktor GYM generation